Holiday preparation guide

The holidays can be stressful enough, don’t let planning your Thanksgiving dinner add to that. Organizing when to do what can not only give some peace of mind, but also help get everything to the table at the same time so you look like a professional. Food preparation and timing are more than half the battle. The last thing you need is Uncle Joe complaining that his stuffing is getting cold as he waits for the turkey.
We have put together an amazing and helpful holiday guide to get you on the right path towards holiday meal perfection. The cooking is still on you, but with our guide and added recipes, you will get the food on the table all hot and ready to devour while you can spend more time with your family and friends.
Here is a summary of when to get things started. For a much deeper dive with some recipe inspiration, enjoy the Holiday guide linked here.
3-7 days before hand:
- Take inventory of your recipes and get any needed items you may have missed
- Prepare a side or two that you can refrigerate or freeze
2 days before:
- Prepare another side or maybe a soup that can be refrigerated
1 day before:
- Chop your vegetables to be used in dishes the next day and refrigerate
- Defrost anything that needed to be frozen
- Begin to prep your turkey and leave in the refrigerator overnight uncovered to help draw out excess moisture.
Thanksgiving Day:
- Assemble any dishes still not made such as homemade stuffing
- Season, stuff, and truss your turkey in preparation for roasting
- Prepare and cook any remaining sides and vegetables
- Roast the turkey
- Heat sides made beforehand
- Prepare appetizers to pass around with your guests
- Eat!
We hope this, and our more elaborate holiday guide, is helpful for you to have a relatively stress-free Thanksgiving Day. We at Fossil Farms want to extend our thanks to all our amazing customers.